OM leaders trek Mt. Kanabalu to be voices for the voiceless

ILM  Mt. Kanabalu

A team of leaders just climbed Mt. Kinabalu in Malaysia after our OM leadership conference. Wow, was it hard! We had to remember quite often “WHY” we were climbing. We remembered the stories from several of our leaders throughout the week. Stories of a 12 year old little mute and deaf girl being chained and sold for sex by her grandmother, 40 children under 3 years old being rescued from a brothel where they were being sold for sex and many other stories just wrenched our hearts. They kept us motivated to finish!
Our video shares some of the stories that keep The Freedom Climb motivated and encouraged to continue to be voices for the voiceless. Will you join us on this journey? Visit to join us for one of our upcoming events.

1 thought on “OM leaders trek Mt. Kanabalu to be voices for the voiceless

  1. My friend, Judy’s daughter was a missionary in Africa for 10 years. She became the point person at Calvary Chapel Ft L and is,now, a part of the International team that goes around the world on rescue missions. Spartanburg needs to hear from someone that takes teams and IS the voice for the voiceless. “There is a bruise on my soul ”

    Sent from my iPhone

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